Monday, July 25, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things......

Sadie is napping (finally!) so I thought I would share a few of my favorite things:
-Waking up to my very smiley baby girl
-Kisses from my hubby
-The way my baby girl grabs my face and kisses me (the most precious thing ever!)
-Chocolate......need I say more....
-Listening to my hubby preach
-Watching Sadie Grace reach milestones, from rolling over to eating solids to the beginning stages of crawling
-The way my hubby sneaks peaks at me from across the room when he doesn't think I'm looking :)
-Cuddling in bed with my two loves
-Watching Sadie Bug get super excited when she sees the doggy and then yells at him
-Blowing raspberries on Sadie's tummy and listen to her scream in excitement
-Cooking, I love it! even though I don't cook as much as I would like to lately
-Spending time with Corey and Sadie doing whatever
-Watching Corey spend time with our beautiful little girl (It melts my heart...)
-USC football (a huge fan!!! and it's almost football season!)
-Taking Sadie outside and watching her become fascinated with everything out there

There's many more that I could list but these are just a few that I thought I would share :)

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